vOx is a hard-working, high-reward choir. Members are all experienced singers and are expected to attend rehearsal with notes/words learnt in order to maintain a continuing focus on excellence in singing and choral technique during rehearsal time. We maintain a SATB maximum of 24 members at any one time and rehearse weekly. Our regular rehearsal time is on a Wednesday from 7:30pm to 9:40pm at Cherwell School, Oxford.
vOx draws its membership from across Oxfordshire and further afield to other South East England & Midland counties. Membership is by audition with our conductor, David Crown, and all members are periodically re-auditioned to maintain a standard of excellence.
Focused, vOx maintains a warm, friendly atmosphere in which every member is valued. Listen to some of our members below talk about their experience of vOx or join us for our annual Come and Sing to meet us and see if vOx is for you.
From time to time vacancies become available and to this end enquiries from all voice parts are always most welcome. At the moment we are actively looking to recruit sopranos and basses- contact us for more information.